Welcome to the home of the Ageless Mind Project (AMP) on Substack. I’m Lynne Berrett, co-founder with my husband, Josh, of AMP, a nonprofit we formally established in 2015.
We are delighted to be here on Substack, because it offers us so many ways to learn with you through an online platform – a blog, podcasts, videos, forums. We will share – and invite you to share – the many ways we can each design our personal “ageless”mind. Because one size doesn’t fit all.
Together we will explore the unfolding research on healthful aging. This is an exciting time to be someone 50 and older. Because every day we are learning how much more we each can do to proactively improve our own wellbeing.
We will invite experts to share their suggestions for action steps based on the research so that we actually make the changes that can increase our health span. Because knowing about something and regularly doing it are two quite different processes. It is absolutely vital that each of us develops habits of mind that we put into regular practice with our bodies.
Remember the saying: put your money where your mouth is? AMP’s vision is to develop an intergenerational community of like-minded people, especially for those of us between ages 50 and…there is no upper limit.
Our generations don’t talk enough with each other, even though we are likely to be taking care of each other. We may speak often, but how often do we really speak with each other about our fears for ourselves and each other? Most of us have questions – about the present and the future – and avoid asking them.
Josh and I want the AMP Substack to be a safe place where everyone can raise questions and share viewpoints on healthful aging. We will draw on experts in a variety of areas who can help us put theories into practice. Above all, we want to go on an exciting journey with you toward designing our individual ageless minds – ones that stay alert, optimistic, engaged with the world, open to change and challenge, playful, thoughtful, evergreen.
Until next time, here’s to your continued wellbeing.
- Lynne Berrett
P.S. Although our posts will always be free, a paid subscription will go a long way toward helping us meet the costs of keeping AMP up and running.
Questions, comments, or concerns? Email: AgelessMindProject@gmail.com
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