1 Comment
Oct 20·edited Oct 20

I met Lynn shortly after she arrived in Second Life and after I had been there for a few years. Our affinity for interactive teaching and learning, our background in psychology, and our interest in music and other forms of self-expression kept us connected throughout the years and on several different sims (simulated landmarks). Inspiration Island, the latest and longest lasting sim has grown by leaps and bounds and provides an exciting venue for a lot of creativity and experimentation. I am still there because I find that it is a supportive and lively environment for inventing programs and collaborating with a lot of talented people...and I have ongoing support in a way that I never had when I ran my own business in the physical world where I had to be responsible for every aspect of anything I attempted. Long live Second Life and kudos to Lynn for successfully creating Whole Brain Health, a complex interactive learning environment making use of the skills of many people. Marly Milena: founder of Octagon:Creative Exploration in SL.

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