Comprehensive Calendar:
Live Streams & Premiere Videos: Click HERE
Event: Brodmann’s Brain Tour with David Arguna
Description: Inside this big brain you can look up, and see the human cerebral cortex from the inside and explore it interactively.
Time: 7:30 am (SLT)
10:30 am (EDT)
2:30 pm (GMT)
Location: WBH Brodmann’s Brain
Voice: Yes (Enable ears)
Text Chat: Yes
Event: HAC Roundtable at NPC with Liss and Friends
Description: Sharing experiences of growing older and better in Second Life.
Time: 8:30 am (SLT)
11:30 am (EDT)
5:30 pm (GMT)
Location: NPC Amphitheater
Voice: Yes (Enable ears)
Text Chat: Yes
Event: Musical Interlude - Medley with Ael
Description: Ael welcomes you with a variety of personally curated music - from pop to jazz to folk rock - for dancing, friendly chatting, nostalgia; fun!
Time: 10:00 am (SLT)
1:00 pm (EDT)
5:00 pm (GMT)
Location: WBH Lake Stage
Audio: Music stream
Text Chat: Yes
Event: Evolutionary Mandala Game! with Xeno
Description: Long-time student of Tibetan Buddhism, Xeno invites you to come learn this free-form Comm/unity Practice, a cooperative team game of intimacy, not war.
Mantra: Open, Grateful, Trusting, Being
Time: 11:00 am (SLT)
2:00 pm (EDT)
6:00 pm (GMT)
Location: Xeno’s Paradox
Voice: No
Text Chat: Yes
Event: BEING ART with Marly Milena
Description: Healthful Aging requires the ability to be flexible, shift perspective, use our imaginations, experiment, and live in the moment. Engaging with art helps to develop all these qualities.You can have the experience of being one of the paintings at the Butterfly Gallery and having a dialogue with it. You will be guided through the process and can jot down ideas which you can share if you wish. You will also be invited to choose an image which we will send you to put in your own virtual space.
Time: 12:00 pm (SLT)
3:00 pm (EDT)
7:00 pm (GMT)
Location: The Butterfly Gallery
Voice: Yes (Enable ears)
Text Chat: Yes
Event: Fun with Games with Pela
Description: Come join Pela at the Inspiration Island Games Park, where we will try out games together!
Time: 1:00 pm (SLT)
4:00 pm (EDT)
8:00 pm (GMT)
Location: WBH Game Park
Voice: Yes (Enable ears)
Text Chat: Yes
Event: The Anti-Inflammatory Nature of Spinach with Kamden FoxHyde
Description: This event will provide a look at spinach, focusing especially on the nutrients it provides and how those nutrients work to fight inflammation, which negatively affects the health of millions. The event will involve different preservation methods such as dehydrating and freeze-drying that allow for the maximum amount of nutrients to be retained during long-term storage, allowing for long-term health benefits. In addition, this event will include a trivia game that will assist with retaining information by way of making learning a fun and actively engaging experience.
Time: 2:00 pm (SLT)
5:00 pm (EDT)
9:00 pm (GMT)
Location: HAC Chat Circle
Voice: Yes (Enable ears)
Text Chat: Yes
Event: Senior Voices - Stronger and Wiser with Age with Kirsten McLeod
Description: How seniors can proactively take part in government. Learn about little known perks elders are entitled to.
Time: 3:30 pm (SLT)
6:30 pm (EDT)
10:30 pm (GMT)
Location: HAC Main Stage
Voice: Yes (Enable ears)
Text Chat: Yes
Event: Poetry in Motion Reading with Jenaia
Description: We will be reading the poetry we wrote at the start of the week and placing those poems in the flowers in the Poetry Garden for all to enjoy.
Time: 5:00 pm (SLT)
8:00 pm (EDT)
12:00 am (GMT)
Location: The WBH Poetry Tree
Voice: Yes (Enable ears)
Text: Readers are asked to prepare if possible
Event: Avatar Safety with Lindal Kidd
Description: Welcome to our Avatar Safety class! We will be talking about safety for seniors in virtual worlds. This class will tell you about the various unpleasant things that could happen to you in Second Life and discuss ways to avoid them.
Time: 6:00 pm (SLT)
9:00 pm (EDT)
1:00 am (GMT)
Location: HAC Main Stage
Voice: Yes (Enable ears)
Text Chat: Yes
Links to the Other Days of the Conference