As I Age: The Play of Light on Water
like leaves
floating and flying
from careless
autumn trees
the days
keep tumbling
zooming by….
heedless of my
grandiose dreams
my lofty
into weeks and months
and years and
i finally
that each moment
is a thousand lifetimes
and each lifetime -
fleeting and ephemeral -
is but a breath,
a sigh….
no need to grasp, to desire
it is enough to be, to exist -
to glow
like the play of light on water. - Leon Brown, Jr.
About Leon
I am retired, but remain an active observer of our beautiful, but often cruel and dysfunctional world. After 73 years on the planet, I've gained much insight into the political and social realities that are stifling our progress, and remain uncertain about our future. I currently reside in a foreign country (Utah).
An Invitation
Many thanks to Leon for sharing his wonderful poetry and artwork. The painting is entitled “Laughing Flowers.” We’d love to have you join us by sharing some of your own experiences in nature as a poem, Chat Walk, photo or a short essay.
We also invite you to join our AMP community. You can learn how to take part by clicking HERE. There is no obligation to share, but if you’d feel the urge, please email your submission to
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Rhythm as Old as Time by Gloria Horton-Young
Sing the Song of Your People by Jena Ball
Cultivating and Ageless Mind with Nature by Phil Youngblood
A Life Shaped by Nature by Phil Youngblood
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